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Frontier 059: Excuses are Infinite


Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 059: Excuses are Infinite

Bryan Black

Frontier 059: Excuses are Infinite

Ubuntu 14.04 beta 2

Finding a use for old hardware

BUILD conference


Win 8.1 Start menu is a trap, again

Same time as Win XP support ends

Canonical shutting down Ubuntu One in Ubuntu 14.04

GameSpy shutting down

480GB m-SATA SSD in an iPod with a m-SATA to ZIF adapter


  • Admin privileges

  • D7

BitTorrent Sync

  • BitTorrent protocol & peer-to-peer

  • Centralized services like Newsgroups servers


Threema messaging app replace GroupMe app?


Zoom H4n

Intel NUC

Intel NUC
Intel "Minnowboard Max"

Intel Atom C2758 8 core

Supermicro 20w servers

  • SuperServer 5018A-FTN4

Occuluss rift sold to Facebook

  • "Facebook fraud"

Amazon Fire TV

Mouse - Logitec MX518

Truly Ergonomic Keyboards


Date: 2014-04-03

Time: 01:17:02

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