Frontier 178: Stop It
Bryan Black
UFO greys in Chile
Docker priv esc shutdown
Apple the Greenest?
Consumer reports on the take
Date: 2017-01-12
Time: 00:19:23
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
UFO greys in Chile
Docker priv esc shutdown
Apple the Greenest?
Consumer reports on the take
Date: 2017-01-12
Time: 00:19:23
Nate's NAS upgrade
Apple Watch
Date: 2017-01-05
Time: 00:51:54
No Agenda show meet up
Mario Run
Date: 2016-12-29
Time: 01:01:15
No Agenda show meet up
Aric the Shill sent out a notice here.
The meet up starts at 5:30 at Citizen Beverly Hills, 184 N. Canon Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210 at the “patio” ask them to point you to it.
It will probably go to 8 or later. Most of the LA basin Knights look like they will be attending.
I want to remind those of you who enjoy donating at these events that there is a protocol. Please put the donation in an envelope with a note. This way things do not get lost or mishandled.
Las Vegas talk
Mario Run
Date: 2016-12-22
Time: 00:53:27