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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 221: $700 iMac Pro

Bryan Black

Bryan Black bought a iMac Pro with the money cashed out from $700 in Litecoin, Bitcoin, and Etherium.

iMac Pro can play Counter Strike Global Offensive at 5120x2880 at 75-140 fps. Amazing performance hidden behind a brilliant 5K screen.

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Date: 2018-01-04

Time: 00:44:56

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Frontier 219: Google Can Screw You

Bryan Black

Bitcoin peaked at ~$19,000 and dipped to ~$15,500

Swift Playground



Bitcoin blockchain takes up 145GB of disk space

iPhone X screen shape with an LCD

iPhone screen PPI

NVIDIA GeForce Now

Carbonite backup

Crashplan backup

BackBlaze backup

How to get unlimited backup with Google Apps

Serverless Framework

Support the Shows!

Date: 2017-12-07

Time: 00:41:06

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