Frontier 238: Which One
Bryan Black
Ate too much peanut butter
Feed back last show
Nates crazy office stories.
OMV upgrade
Date: 2018-07-05
Time: 00:31:55
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Ate too much peanut butter
Feed back last show
Nates crazy office stories.
OMV upgrade
Date: 2018-07-05
Time: 00:31:55
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Raccoon on chest story.
Many moons ago I was camping in the High Sierras.
Guy we were camping with named Butch, decide he was going to pass out in a chair in front of the fire and a hatchet in his hand.
He woke up, with a fucking raccoon on his chest.
When we all woke up. He was making a coon skin hat.
Prohibition in the United States
Gaming Talk:
Steam and Valve discussion.
Insurgency Sandstorm is never coming out.
Porn games on Steam. (16-bit anime tits)
Will Valve re-position Steam as the AWS of game services?
Bandai Hobby HGUC RX-78-2 Gundam Revive Model Kit
3D printed XL dong
Date: 2018-06-28
Time: 00:54:54
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Gin and tonic talk
24TB on my desk
Kevin Rose - throwing a raccoon
Intel support of NUC is garbage
Last show woman throws shit.
Toilet paper in the car door and every bag.
JRE 1124 - Robert Schoch
iOS 12
macOS 10.14
watchOS 5
tvOS 12
Severe Firmware Vulnerabilities Found In Popular Supermicro Server Products
Apple deleted server supplier after finding infected firmware in servers [Updated]
Date: 2018-06-07
Time: 00:46:59
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