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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 298: Hip Fires Code

Bryan Black


Ordered oxo good grip jar opener

Nextcloud Bookmarks review:

Caveat Emptor

Update corrupted everyones bookmarks.

Where is the official method to recover? "The official method is restoring a database backup"

github.com/nextcloud/bookmarks/issues/1305 - archive.is - archive.org

Google Workspaces/G-Suite email spam algorithm foot gun

New Apple M1 chip

  • Macbook Air
  • Macbook Pro
  • Mac Mini

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Date: 2020-11-12

Time: 00:47:26

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Frontier 297: Closest Call Girl

Bryan Black


Twitch affiliate

Live streaming DevOps

Torque Engine


Phonetic spelling of words, and confusing domain names

DotA history came from StarCraft

League of Legends

Steam sales

GTFO game


Console game controllers ruining PC FPS's

iPhone 12 decision

  • What did you get?
  • "iTunes"/Manual backup

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Date: 2020-10-29

Time: 00:52:11

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Frontier 296: And If It Dies, You Literally Die

Bryan Black

Troy's Twitch stream


Apple Keynote

  • iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro photography

Mario Kart Live

Cloud storage

  • Google Drive dataloss story
  • Backblaze B2

Discussed mass migration out of California

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Date: 2020-10-15

Time: 00:47:31

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Frontier 295: Made up on the Spot

Bryan Black

Troy's Twitch stream

  • Passed 50 subscribers!
  • Average viewers need to be over 3

Game servers

  • Unintended consequences of putting messages in motd

Gavin McInnes

China has slowly been subverting Hollywood, using its massive movie market to censor American films, like Top Gun, as well as influencing how movies like Loo...

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Date: 2020-10-08

Time: 00:31:50

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