Frontier 038: Linux and SteamOS
Bryan Black
Fly Horse Royal Lager (Talked about it, didn't drink it yet)
DNS & VPN issues
Ted Stevens Rolled over in his grave and plugged The Series of Tubes
iOS 7:
iOS 7.0.2 security patch
iOS 7 water proofing troll
LifeProof iPhone case
iPhone in the shower
Nate wants a loofa iPhone case - LAWL
Siri improved in iOS 7
Shore Leave from The Venture Brothers
Steam announcements:
Speculation about Half-Life 3
Portal 2 promo in Team Fortress 2
Exclusive games:
Play Station
Nintendo Wii/Wii U
PSP and Play Station Vita
8 x AA batteries
Portable fanny pack battery
SEGA Game Gear
Nintendo 64 graphics 1996
SEGA Genesis graphics 1996
SMB File sharing
Transmission BitTorrent Daemon
BSD Jails
50Mbps Time Warner internet connection
PC Engines - ALIX AMD Geode
3 NICs
CF card slot
Beer Brewing:
Measuring beer gravity
High gravity beer
Embedded computers:
Raspberry Pie - USB based NIC
Raspberry Pie as a BTsync peer for distributed backup