Frontier 093: Lucky

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Frontier 093: Lucky


Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 093: Lucky

Bryan Black

Frontier 093: Lucky


  • Angry orchard hard cider

  • Corona

Drobo hard drive died

iPhone screen broken

Google Wallet

  • Wallet Card

Sony compromise and Bank insecurity

Nintendo online experience sucks

  • Software tied to the hardware

Verdun WWI game

Top Gear 31:00

Starcraft 2 UX is very confusing

  • “I can’t figure out how to make a game.” - Bryan Black

Blizzard stealing game ideas

Cloud services

  • Google apps

  • Office 365

  • DNS issues

DNScrypt - OS X - Linux - Win


Date: 2015-01-01

Time: 00:52:58

Download - torrent - magnet