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Frontier 100: ERMAHGERD


Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 100: ERMAHGERD

Bryan Black


Never give out direct phone number

Google Voice

Chocolate Babka


Lenovo certificate authority malware/adware

No Agenda show

EU legal blockades against US tech businesses

  • Restrictions on MS and Google

PRISM program

  • God delusion
  • Surveillance Black mail
  • Leather Pics

Nintendo 2DS

007 James Bond

James Bond quotes (1962-1967) 1971, 1983 Sean Connery is James Bond!

Peter F. Hamilton

Follow Up

  • Greg Slepak

  • Last week HDMI vs Display Port - Sounded like I was arguing for HDMI

The four pillars of a decentralized society

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What if we could rebuild our society in a way that works for everyone? Epochal changes are now underway that are radically transforming how society operates. Johann will describe this revolution, and how it will create vast new economic opportunities and unprecedented social freedom.

  • Decentralized Law, Adjudicator, & Enforcer

  • Decentralized Production: Materials & Energy production

  • Decentralized Financed eg. Cypress

Soundboard - No Agenda

Stage names

Date: 2015-02-19

Time: 01:14:34

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