Frontier 111: Salt
Bryan Black
The New Screen Savers is a variety show for tech on the TWiT network. The show stars Leo Laporte and is co-hosted by Megan Morrone, Mike Elgan, Jason Howell, Father Robert Ballecer and Bryan Burnett. Viewers get live tech help, interesting guests, insights into the latest innovations, products and trends, plus lots of fun things thrown in, too.
- Chemical warfare
Local stories
A group currency (n) is a cryptocurrency that:
provides its identified members with a basic income voting rights over a group fund (optional) and provides adequate means for transparency and accountability.
The morbid stuff
- Boston brakes
- Jewish lightning
- Wake up with the hot tub lid on
- Shot himself, twice, in the back of the head - Gary Webb
- Found zipped in a bag with a lock on it. - Gareth Williams
- Released 2015-03-27
HL 3 reference
Valve vs Blizzard
Date: 2015-05-14
Time: 00:59:04