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Frontier 276: I'd Rather Have Tulips on Mine


Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 276: I'd Rather Have Tulips on Mine

Bryan Black

Deal talk:

Games on macOS 10.15 Catalina


Nintendo Switch discussion


"Mandalorian, look outside. They're waiting for you." Watch the brand new trailer for #TheMandalorian, an original Star Wars series. Start streaming Nov. 12, only on #DisneyPlus.
The Figaro song, from Il barbiere di siviglia played on Chicken. This song is called "Largo al factotum", or Figaro Cavatina. Composed by Rossini. and played on a Chicken by Lord Vinheteiro, the classical pianist. Be a Member! https://bit.ly/2Nlupas
In which Sir Reginald Pikedevant, Esquire, extols the virtues of his Organ.

The video Nathan Penetration so maturely shared with us; Frank Skinner and Mr Methane - Banned BBC Performance

Jet.com is a joke - Listen @00:18:35

  • Bryan Black explain how jet.com is a toxic company and recounts how they canceled his order and suspended his account three times until he gave up.
  • Discussing alternatives that aren't toxic jet.com.

1917 Trailer

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Date: 2019-12-05

Time: 00:41:48

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