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Frontier 314: Reduced to Fit in a Box


Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 314: Reduced to Fit in a Box

Bryan Black

John McAfee created a DEX before Uniswap... The Uniswap dex market cap divided by Uniswaps lines of code equals ~$18 million per line of code. That particular DEX is probably the most valuable asset for the effort, ever.

McAfee's latest creation is https://www.ghostbyjohnmcafee.com/. A privacy coin with a bunch of Ethereum features.

  • He died on the 1 year anniversary.


$WHACKD is the token of the johnmcafeedex. Website is dead, probably serves malware. It's old, like 2019/2020.


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Date: 2021-07-15

Time: 00:41:40

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