Frontier 277: Crypt Keeper with Hair
Bryan Black
Mac Pro
Opera was apparently bought by a Chinese company
iOS 13.3
- AirPods
- Safari
Built a SteamOS box
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Filtering by Tag: firefox
Mac Pro
Opera was apparently bought by a Chinese company
iOS 13.3
Built a SteamOS box
HomeKit talk
Car CarPlay
Date: 2019-06-20
Time: 00:48:50
Download - torrent
Apple Keynote
Firefox has a password manager
$10,000 server or S3 and Glacier for $83/month
Google Drive Unlimited storage
S3 and Glacier
Helm update
WebUI and app
Date: 2019-03-28
Time: 00:49:42
Download - torrent