Frontier 102: Strange Show
Bryan Black
Talked about episode 101 interview with Greg Slepak
Bitcoin trade price & Stocks
- $270 and rising
- NXP and Skyworks
Cars and Peugeot
- Hybrid Electrics
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Talked about episode 101 interview with Greg Slepak
Bitcoin trade price & Stocks
Cars and Peugeot
Brian Black interviews Greg Slepak - @okturtles
Software developer of Espionage 3 & founder of the okTurtles Foundation
okTurtles and DNSChain demo at SOUPS 2014 - EFF Crypto Usability Prize (EFF CUP) Workshop! - - - -
The four pillars of a decentralized society
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What if we could rebuild our society in a way that works for everyone? Epochal changes are now underway that are radically transforming how society operates. Johann will describe this revolution, and how it will create vast new economic opportunities and unprecedented social freedom.
Espionage 3 “This is the real deal” - Bryan Black
Encrypted Folders
Folder Settings
Folder Actions
scrypt (The Tarsnap guy, Colin Percival!)
HSTS - HTTP Strict Transport Security
Date: 2015-02-26
Time: 01:31:12
Never give out direct phone number
Google Voice
Chocolate Babka
Lenovo certificate authority malware/adware
No Agenda show
EU legal blockades against US tech businesses
PRISM program
Nintendo 2DS
007 James Bond
James Bond quotes (1962-1967) 1971, 1983 Sean Connery is James Bond!
Follow Up
Greg Slepak
Last week HDMI vs Display Port - Sounded like I was arguing for HDMI
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. What if we could rebuild our society in a way that works for everyone? Epochal changes are now underway that are radically transforming how society operates. Johann will describe this revolution, and how it will create vast new economic opportunities and unprecedented social freedom.
Decentralized Law, Adjudicator, & Enforcer
Decentralized Production: Materials & Energy production
Decentralized Financed eg. Cypress
Stage names
Date: 2015-02-19
Time: 01:14:34
New show in the works
Asterisk and AT&T POTS horror stories
Google lost users mail once from a RAID bug
Raspberry Pi 2
Imagination Technologies MIPS Creator CI20
2-Factor Authentication with “apt-get install google-authenticator”
DisplayPort 1.4a for integrated displays
Greg Slepak
No Agenda Show