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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 126: Gambling

Bryan Black


Urine in Corona Beer

OS X 10.11

  • Metal

Game performance

StarCraft II

  • Battle.net sucks and removes old maps for StarCraft


Battle Field 4

Owning noobs that DDOS our server


Smashy Road

Space Team app




Alias Last and Save - ALS

RTFM - Red Team Field Manual



Safari vs Chrome vs Firefox

uBlock Origin

Ad Blocking

Brian Dunning

Fuck the EU

Support the Shows!

Date: 2015-10-09

Time: 01:12:26

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Frontier 125: Demons

Bryan Black

MR.ROBOT Spoilers

iPhone replacement

iPhone cases

Tuggerhosting.com soundboard

iPad mini 4

A Santorum of beer


  • Powershell is odd
  • Package management for windows
  • Minisign
  • sudo

Rain Man

Frontier 123: Theism Disengaged

Bryan Black

OptiKey - “OptiKey is an assistive on-screen keyboard which runs on Windows. It is designed to be used with a low cost eye-tracking device to bring keyboard control, mouse control and speech to people with motor and speech limitations, such as people living with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) / Motor Neuron Disease (MND).”

Universal Plug and Play and NAT-PMP

Apple TV

iPad Pro

IPv6 is bullshit

Larry David

Jerry Sienfeld

Jay Leno

Joe Rogan

Turbine car

The former Fear Factor host, stand-up comedian and UFC commentator takes Jay for a ride in his modded classic, with killer customization by Steve Strope of Pure Vision.

Jay Leno is a comedian, actor, writer, producer, voice actor, and television host. He was the host of NBC's "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" and currently hosts "Jay Leno's Garage" available on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/user/JayLenosGarage

Fiat Turbina

Apple Pencil

iPhone 6S


Support the Shows!

Date: 2015-09-11

Time: 01:10:05

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