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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Filtering by Tag: os x

Frontier 143: Massive Manhood

Bryan Black


Al Sharpton VS the Teleprompter #4

Some guy downloaded my archive torrent from the piratebay and uploaded all the shows to some portfolio contracting site.

  • The only results I get when googleing this guy is a Super Saiyan Henti animator.

Space Dandy

Venture Brothers E9

Google Drive unlimited storage

Doom 4

DOOM's multiplayer is not for the faint of heart. It's bloody. It's brutal. And it's VERY FAST. Prepare yourself with a glimpse into DOOM's multiplayer mayhem in the latest trailer. Players eligible for the DOOM Beta through their purchase of Wolfenstein: The New Order, your chance to play DOOM Multiplayer is coming!

Batman vs Superman hit job on Rotten Tomatoes

Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot

Support the Shows!

Date: 2016-03-23

Time: 00:57:43

Download - torrent - magnet

Frontier 126: Gambling

Bryan Black


Urine in Corona Beer

OS X 10.11

  • Metal

Game performance

StarCraft II

  • Battle.net sucks and removes old maps for StarCraft


Battle Field 4

Owning noobs that DDOS our server


Smashy Road

Space Team app




Alias Last and Save - ALS

RTFM - Red Team Field Manual



Safari vs Chrome vs Firefox

uBlock Origin

Ad Blocking

Brian Dunning

Fuck the EU

Support the Shows!

Date: 2015-10-09

Time: 01:12:26

Download - torrent - magnet

Frontier 117: Delicious

Bryan Black

  • Blockchain technology

Rick and Morti

Nathan Penetration got a Nvidia GTX 970

NBA free agency

Mirrors hosted by ReelSense

  • RSS Visualizer.qtz - sig (mirrored 2015-07-07)
    • sha256:b6364e0c9805580218401dd9860fb5288162f5a5bcc2a117d283468766ba00af
    • This is the RSS screen saver from Mac OS 10.6 that was removed in OS X 10.7+. People like it, so I mirror an authentic version here for those without 10.5 or 10.6 DVDs.

Yubikey Edge

  • OTP
  • U2F
  • FIDO

Support the Shows!

Date: 2015-07-09

Time: 00:29:19

Download - torrent - magnet