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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 146: Decocainized

Bryan Black

Frontier 145: Extra Lager

Bryan Black

Camping with Chris

Crazy wall - mind map

Watch the full Neal Adams - Science Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOdOXoiGTICLdHklMhj9Al8G-1ZLXGEP2 Neal Adams - Science: Part 1 - Conspiracy - The Earth is Growing This video is a Neal Adams animation about his theory that the Earth is growing. This collides with the Pangea theory. Watch it, you will be amazed.

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Date: 2016-04-07

Time: 00:52:05

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Frontier 144: Up to the Elbow

Bryan Black

Enjoy this wonderful lesson on how to properly leave porn comments for porn videos! Holy shit there's a lot of porn in this. It took me hours to blur everything out. This is probably the most revolting thing I've ever put on this channel. Next week I'll teach you how to comment on puppies.

Drone with re flashed microSD firmware reports wrong available sized

Spyderco Paramilitary 2 - Crucible Steal

MXC talk

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Date: 2016-03-31

Time: 00:44:00

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Frontier 143: Massive Manhood

Bryan Black


Al Sharpton VS the Teleprompter #4

Some guy downloaded my archive torrent from the piratebay and uploaded all the shows to some portfolio contracting site.

  • The only results I get when googleing this guy is a Super Saiyan Henti animator.

Space Dandy

Venture Brothers E9

Google Drive unlimited storage

Doom 4

DOOM's multiplayer is not for the faint of heart. It's bloody. It's brutal. And it's VERY FAST. Prepare yourself with a glimpse into DOOM's multiplayer mayhem in the latest trailer. Players eligible for the DOOM Beta through their purchase of Wolfenstein: The New Order, your chance to play DOOM Multiplayer is coming!

Batman vs Superman hit job on Rotten Tomatoes

Gal Gadot

Gal Gadot

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Date: 2016-03-23

Time: 00:57:43

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