Frontier 182: New Experience
Bryan Black
Date: 2017-02-16
Time: 00:55:51
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Link to read me page with more information.
Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Date: 2017-02-16
Time: 00:55:51
Firefox OS is dead
Piss gate
Poop gate
The original 24/7 Business Networking & Gaming group.
Second, join the Mumble server: Mumble server info:
Reserved rooms and work spaces are pay only. Use the contact form to inquire.
LastPass Does Not Encrypt Everything In Your Vault
"1Password still has the problem of the developers (Agilebits) being extremely careless about how they distribute their software without any method of authentication. So KeePassX, pass, or Password Safe are better options, as those password managers can be authenticated."
VR vs AR and torture