Frontier 206: Perfect for Me
Bryan Black
12" MacBook is the perfect Mac for Bryan Black
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
12" MacBook is the perfect Mac for Bryan Black
Gaming Rig
2008 Xeons
Hack job setup.
HDMI splitter that litterally only can do upto 1080 not 1200.
Zip ties.
12" Retina Macbook with the new keyboard
16GB of RAM
Cables have some coating on them.
iOS 11's SOS Feature Allows You to Temporarily Disable Touch ID and Require Passcode
Date: 2017-08-17
Time: 00:57:34
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Net Neutality is about defining "legal content" to enable content blocking and restriction.
Newfaggs prefix words with "cyber".
Going back to the war in Iraq and Afganistan hacking was called "electronic warfare" but the vocabulary has since change, and downgraded to the word "cyber". Which makes it sound like a you want my ASL.
E.g. If you say, "Cyber hack-attack". <- You sound like an idiot...
Date: 2017-08-10
Time: 00:36:42
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The original Net Neutrality story, Ted Stevens. Support the Shows!
Some one trying to censor rather than submit a change or open a discussion.