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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Filtering by Tag: unreal tournament

Frontier 204: Weakness

Bryan Black

Net Neutality is about defining "legal content" to enable content blocking and restriction.

  • Torrents = Not "legal content"
  • Websites censored by Google = Not "legal content"
    • Videos streaming sites
    • Information sites
    • Wall of Shame sites
    • Political content
    • Anything labled "fake news"

Newfaggs prefix words with "cyber".

Going back to the war in Iraq and Afganistan hacking was called "electronic warfare" but the vocabulary has since change, and downgraded to the word "cyber". Which makes it sound like a you want my ASL.

E.g. If you say, "Cyber hack-attack". <- You sound like an idiot...

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Date: 2017-08-10

Time: 00:36:42

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Frontier 194: Make This Work

Bryan Black

Yet another watering hole attack. I told you so...

HandBrake got owned with a watering hole attack because they didn't PGP sign releases

Panic Software got owned by the HandBrake malware

DaFont Compromised

Steam is an advanced persistent threat. It's just a matter of time until someone compromises a developer and auto updates all their users to a version with malware.

4S is a package manager for aliases

Blizzard is shit because of Activision

Ubiquiti doesn't PGP sign releases of their EdgeRouter releases. They will probably be hit with a watering hole attack next...

Trump Talk

Alien Covenant


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Date: 2017-05-18

Time: 01:11:38

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Frontier 150: Flair

Bryan Black