Frontier 214: Rusty
Bryan Black
Nate buys iPad Pro 2nd Generation
'Worse Than KRACK' -- Google And Microsoft Hit By Massive 5-Year-Old Encryption Hole
Date: 2017-10-26
Time: 00:40:33
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Nate buys iPad Pro 2nd Generation
'Worse Than KRACK' -- Google And Microsoft Hit By Massive 5-Year-Old Encryption Hole
Date: 2017-10-26
Time: 00:40:33
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Guys face looks like a Regan mask - Body dysmorphia
Port of Mokha Releases $158 Yemen Coffee Box Set
Date: 2017-10-12
Time: 00:31:08
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Firefox Quantum equal to Chrome
Firefox 56 + Firefox Multi-Account Containers makes Firefox equal to Chrome.
Chrome blocks flash by default.
Not Many People Are Buying Andy Rubin's iPhone-Killer Essential Phone, It Seems
Oracle Scraps Plans For Solaris 12
Apple Watch installs OS updates slow.
Why is Frontier podcast missing from the Podcast app.
The Boys on the Tracks and talk about Bill Clinton and Barry Seal
"The Finish" is a hagiography.
Panic's game Firewatch Cease and Desist PewDiePie gameplay video
CCleaner compromised in watering hole attack -
Date: 2017-09-28
Time: 01:02:44
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