Frontier 258: I Should Buy a Boat
Bryan Black
Perspectives toxicity API machine learning model
Finder and Explorer hang when a network volume disconnects.
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Perspectives toxicity API machine learning model
Finder and Explorer hang when a network volume disconnects.
FaceTime bug
Apple revokes Facebook and Google Ent. Cert.
Trouble shooting
AWS EC2 EPYC servers EPYC has memory encryption!
20 billion password database leaked
Collection 1
Collection #2-#5 & Antipublic and
Brave has a built in torrent client
Car things
Date: 2019-01-20
Time: 00:30:27
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You ever open up a Christmas present just to get sprayed with a bukaki of styrofoam peanuts?
Nathan Penetrations new place.
Bryan shit him self.
New yubikey for lightning
Date: 2019-01-11
Time: 00:19:09
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