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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 282: Sad Mac Face

Bryan Black


Alan is a friend of the show:

2012 Retina MacBook Pro Apple Trade-In program.

Nathan Penetration sold his 2013 Retina MacBook Pro for $750.

  • Thinking about buying a Retina MacBook Air.

HP Enterprise ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 Review

AMD chips, cheap ass clients & Chromebooks.

Brave BAT


What if there was another you? Howard Silk, a low-level agent at a spy agency, discovers the answer after finding that his company is hiding a gateway to a p...
The past is haunting you. Anthony Mackie is Takeshi Kovacs in Season 2 of Altered Carbon, streaming February 27. Get ready to watch with this recap of season...
The past is haunting you. Anthony Mackie is Takeshi Kovacs in Season 2 of Altered Carbon, streaming February 27. Watch Altered Carbon, Only on Netflix: https...
Watch the all-new official trailer and RAZE HELL when DOOM Eternal launches on 03.20.20. Hell's armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic singl...
Adam Curry is a podcaster, announcer, internet entrepreneur and media personality, known for his stint as VJ on MTV and being one of the first celebrities pe...

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Date: 2020-03-05

Time: 00:35:37

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Frontier 281: Insanely Offensive Remarks

Bryan Black

Piss Spots - Joey Herbz

COVID-19 map

Counterpart - Starz (Temporarily on Prime Video)

  • Takes place in Berlin
  • Two Universes
What if there was another you? Howard Silk, a low-level agent at a spy agency, discovers the answer after finding that his company is hiding a gateway to a p...
Ari Gold one of my Favorite TV shows characters of all time,Entourage




Backblaze 50 Billion restores

Mobile phone service


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Date: 2020-02-27

Time: 00:33:16

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Frontier 280: Make It Into Wikipedia

Bryan Black

Fred takes a trip on the long black train in this season 1 highlight. #Yellowstone #ParamountNetwork Subscribe for More! https://goo.gl/vnHLxY Yellowstone is...
Mission first, apologize later. A brand new season of Strike Back begins January 25 on Cinemax.


Chinese Telecommunications Conglomerate Huawei and Subsidiaries Charged in Racketeering Conspiracy and Conspiracy to Steal Trade Secrets

Grandstream is a Chinese telecommunication hardware company. All of their VOIP phones have the same SSH host key.

Is Unbiquiti a Chinese company?

  • Stories about Unifi hardware over heating and dying.

iPhone SE2 rumors

  • How much storage is enough?

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Date: 2020-02-13

Time: 00:46:47

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Frontier 279: Play Until Your Legs Get Numb

Bryan Black

Civilization V

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS

Unusual macOS problems

Old PowerBooks could stay asleep for 2 minutes with the battery out

Single Sign On

Smearing on iPad Pro screens vs screen protectors

Siri Shortcuts

Last show never got edited or published

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Date: 2020-01-23

Time: 00:37:57

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