Drobo 5N The Good
High-speed low-drag setup - Network storage was online in 20min and grown as needed
Adequate performance - Gigabit ingress and egress
High availability - Highly expandable with no down time
Accessible to all wireless clients
It can be in a different room and you never have to hear the hard drives
Venture Bros.
Canophotography.com - City of Angels
Richard's Dove Shoot
John Woo - Trademark Doves
Self scanning film
I just ship my pants
Drobo 5N The Problems
Drobo "Apps" - "Copy" app installs unpatched Apache 1.3.41 and opens port 8080. Apache stays and httpd runs and is not removable even after "uninstalling" the app.
No email verification for Drobo account creation
Required fields during account creation is arbitrary and inconsistent
Management of this network attached storage is done with the Drobo Dashboard management app. The UI has zero polish and they didn't even take the time to put the close button on the correct side. The Drobo Dashboard is like one of those old oddly shaped 90's Windows programs. A tiled animated background and a curser tail would suit this software.
Not Retina
Defense Distributed 3D printed firearms components
DEFCAD - Seed the torrent
Date: 2013-04-18
Time: 00:49:10
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