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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Filtering by Tag: alan

Frontier 088: Caller 99

Bryan Black

Experiments in the Revival of Organisms is a 1940 motion picture which documents Soviet research into the resuscitation of clinically dead organisms. It is available from the Prelinger Archives, where it is in the public domain. The British scientist J. B. S.

768GB SSD dyeing

New WoW expansion

Overwatch is a ripoff of TF2

  • Team Fortress 2 lore

iPhone 6

3rd gen iPad with Retina runs iOS 8 fine when you reduce transparency

iTunes Match

  • ALAC and FLAC

  • BitTorrent Sync

Justice from above

Old Thunderbolt Display’s still get Firmware Updates

Dyeing SSD

Date: 2014-11-13

Time: 00:31:29

Download - torrent - magnet

Frontier 019: Parts Unknown

Bryan Black

Beer: Köstritzer Schwarzbier

Baltika Export Lager

Coffee: Starbucks Dark Espresso

Backcountry camping in Joshua Tree

  • Ryan stepped on rattle snake

  • Food & Coffee

  • Camping in "Parts Unknowns"

  • Weather and visibility

  • Celestial Photography from a hammock

Drobo 5N The Good

  • High-speed low-drag setup - Network storage was online in 20min and grown as needed

  • Adequate performance - Gigabit ingress and egress

  • High availability - Highly expandable with no down time

  • Accessible to all wireless clients

  • It can be in a different room and you never have to hear the hard drives


  • The AR15 & good parts

  • Single point slings and two point sling philosophy

  • Boar hunting

Venture Bros.

Canophotography.com - City of Angels

Richard's Dove Shoot

John Woo - Trademark Doves

Self scanning film


I just ship my pants

Drobo 5N The Problems

  • Drobo "Apps" - "Copy" app installs unpatched Apache 1.3.41 and opens port 8080. Apache stays and httpd runs and is not removable even after "uninstalling" the app.

  • No email verification for Drobo account creation

  • Required fields during account creation is arbitrary and inconsistent

  • Management of this network attached storage is done with the Drobo Dashboard management app. The UI has zero polish and they didn't even take the time to put the close button on the correct side. The Drobo Dashboard is like one of those old oddly shaped 90's Windows programs. A tiled animated background and a curser tail would suit this software.

  • Not Retina

Defense Distributed 3D printed firearms components

DEFCAD - Seed the torrent

Date: 2013-04-18

Time: 00:49:10

Download - torrent

Frontier 017: Borat Swimsuit

Bryan Black

Beer: Outmeal Stout by Samuel Smith

Oatmeal Stout by Hub City

Stella Artois

Coffee: Kauai Coffee - 100% Kauai via AeroPress


Scanning film with DSLR

iPhone Long Exposure with Nightcap

What DSLR should Alan get?

Mochi ice-cream in Little Tokyo

Borat Mankini


Password Security Enter your password at your own risk :3

Kershaw Knockout

Amazon S3

  • Price Drop of 60% for GET requests

Walking Dead

Date: 2013-04-04

Time: 00:47:40

Download - torrent