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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 284: Took My Money

Bryan Black

PineBook Pro

Lowendtalk is promoting sketchy Cloud providers that some people allege "are fronts for Pankistani and Chinese espionage":

MacBook Air

How’s your new career as a Stool Donator

iPad Pro

Doom Eternal


  • Verdun
Tannenberg is out now on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/633460/Tannenberg Experience authentic First World War action with 64 player battles of ma...

Support the Shows!

Date: 2020-03-26

Time: 00:35:22

Download - torrent

Frontier 283: Buy Nate Corn

Bryan Black

Champagne geyser shit. You know when you press you thumb on the end of a hose?

iPad Pro 2020

  • Trackpad and Keyboard

Compensated for donate stool

Doom Eternal

Black Mesa 1.0