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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 086: Gone like a Fart in the Wind

Bryan Black

Frontier 086: Gone like a Fart in the Wind

Firefox 34 beta

  • WebRTC

Doctor Who

OS X keyboard shortcuts


Compaq, Gateway, & HP


Doctor Katz

Tim Cook

Date: 2014-10-30

Time: 00:30:34

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Frontier 085: Knife, Acid, and Oscilloscope

Bryan Black

Frontier 085: Knife, Acid, and Oscilloscope

“Tarnovsky needed six months to figure out his attack, which requires skill in modifying the tiny parts of the chip without destroying it. Using off-the-shelf chemicals, Tarnovsky soaked chips in acid to dissolve their hard outer shells. Then he applied rust remover to help take off layers of mesh wiring, to expose the chips' cores. From there, he had to find the right communication channels to tap into using a very small needle. The needle allowed him to set up a wiretap and eavesdrop on all the programming instructions as they are sent back and forth between the chip and the computer's memory”

iOS 8.1

  • SMS/MMS relay

  • pay

    • Drug dealer banks supported
  • iCloud Drive

iPad Air 2 specs

iPad mini 3 is the same as the mini 2


Kafka on the Shore


OS X 10.10.0 Bugs

Vibrancy vs Aero

iPhone 6 Plus weak spot metal reinforcement

Civilization: Beyond Earth - Mac and Linux late 2014

Civ 5 talk

Blizzard/Activision disaster

Project Cars

Star Citizen funded $54 million

The Piratebay

OpenVPN on iOS


3D realms

Bluetooth-tracking in LA and Chicago

Date: 2014-10-23

Time: 01:05:23

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Frontier 084: Perfecting

Bryan Black

Frontier 084: Perfecting

MS partnering with Docker

Win Storage Server 2011

HP splitting to enterprise services & PCs

HP Labs - The Machine

Bell Labs

BitTorrent Bleep

  • Decentralized comms

New iMac with 5K Retina display

iPad Air 2

iPad Mini 3

OS X 10.10 Yosemite

  • New UI

  • Handoff

  • iCloud Drive

  • AirDrop

  • Spotlight is slower but more functions

  • New apps

  • Little things

    • Maximize button is fullscreen button

    • Shift button function while changing sound volume switched

  • Oh yeah… new Mac Mini

Macbook Pro as primary desktop replacement

60fps pr0n

Date: 2014-10-16

Time: 01:14:35

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Frontier 083: Contrived

Bryan Black

Frontier 083: Contrived


Adam Carolla


October 16th Apple event rumors

  • Apple TV
  • OS X Yosemite
  • Continuity
  • New Retina iMacs and Mac minis?
  • Pay
  • Watch
  • iPad

Powerbook G4 disassembly


Cheap 27” displays

GT Advanced bankrupt

Yosemite main desktop Nate

Dynamic backlights suck

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

Unreal Tournament 2004

Call of Duty


Comic book TV shows :(



No Agenda show


Date: 2014-10-09

Time: 00:56:50

Download - torrent - magnet