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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 110: Torso Sized Fruit

Bryan Black

iPhone 6 FaceTime camera slips out of place

iPhone replacement

  • Refurbished?

Apple Watch issues


  • mdraid

  • RAID types

  • FreeNAS

  • ZFS

  • BitTorrent Sync

  • Transmission

  • Plex

  • Netatalk - Time Machine backup

Microsoft making software for Linux

Redhat, Fedora vs Debian, Ubuntu

Thomas the Train

George Carlin, Conductor of Thomas the Train

Transmit iOS

Group Currency

Adobe “Source Code Pro” font

FREE HotS beta invite

Insurgency (game)

Team America

Creature cantina - balut in a Vietnamese restaurant

  • “It was a dude” -Bryan Black

Jack fruit

Congressional hearing on crypto back doors for FBI


Date: 2015-05-07

Time: 01:04:18

Download - torrent - magnet

Frontier 109: Poisonous Fecal Cocktail

Bryan Black

FREE HotS beta invite

Insurgency (game)

Apple Watch

New Macbook

  • Battery life

  • Retina Display

Ex Machina

Frontier 108: Illusion

Bryan Black


Blizzard Heroes of the Storm

Macbook photos

  • NVMe SSD’s

Raspberry Pie

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

Orphan Black (TV)

Amazon Echo - Alexa

Apple Watch

  • Built-in obsolescence

  • Use cases

World’s most complicated watch


Killer Robots

In INHUMAN KIND, Motherboard gains exclusive access to a small fleet of US Army bomb disposal robots-the same platforms the military has weaponized-and to a pair of DARPA's six-foot-tall bipedal humanoid robots. We also meet Nobel Peace Prize winner Jody Williams, renowned physicist Max Tegmark, and others who grapple with the specter of artificial intelligence, killer robots, and a technological precedent forged in the atomic age.

Date: 2015-04-16

Time: 00:39:35

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Frontier 107: Door Knocking

Bryan Black


2009 Unibody MacBook Pro HDD death and replacement with SSD

  • Time Machine backups
  • ddrescue “-f -A”
  • Backups help you unfuck your system

Fast and Furious 7


Live streaming on Twitter

iOS update 8.3

OS X update 10.10.3

Frustration with podcast sales

New MackBook complaints and TDP explanation

Omnicom PR

New Deus Ex: Mankind Divided

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided follows on from the action of Human Revolution, in a world where augmented humans are outcasts.

  • Original

I am Bread