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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 114: Feeding You with an Empty Spoon

Bryan Black

Coinbase resolved

Kaspersky Lab Reveals Cyberattack On Its Corporate Network

WWDC 2015

Spotify has 30 million songs, iTunes has 37 million

Office 365

  • Buggy, shitty Azure Authenticator app
  • OneDrive corrupts photo previews and generates corrupt ZIP files - Originals were untouched

Small business managed services talk

Google Apps

Date: 2015-06-11

Time: 00:55:24

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Frontier 113: Dildozer

Bryan Black


Survived Hawaii

Steam Hardware is available

Half-Life 3?

  • Play the drinking game

Counter Strike Source vs GO

The Joe Rogan Experience: #651 - Jordan Gilbert


League of Legends

Heros of the Storm

Aeon of Strife is the original DotA map.

Thunderbolt 3 USB-C connector

  • 40Gbps
  • USB-C
  • DisplayPort 1.2 (up to 5k res)
  • Dual 4k Displays
  • 100W Charging and 15W for devices

Cloud photo hosting talk

Google Voice is neglected and shitty

Cloud photo hosting insecurity

Unreal Tournament 4

Date: 2015-06-04

Time: 00:59:33

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Frontier 112: Squats

Bryan Black


Tone by Google - http://g.co/tone

Raspberry Pie 2

  • OSMC

  • WiFi

  • Other media players

Amazon Echo

  • Listening to everything. Listening to you poop.

Goldman Joins Bitcoin Startup Circle’s $50 Million Fundraising


Greg Slepak talks about the blockchain


Salt lamps… WTF Nate

Salt Lamp

Martin Andelman is widely recognized as being one of the coutry's leading experts on communications strategy and positioning. He's authored a couple of books, dozens of white papers, and hundreds of articles. He has worked with such organizations as Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan, Arthur J. Gallagher.

Goatse Subdomains allows you to get your very own subdomain on Goatse.cx! For example http://YOU.GOATSE.CX. You can use it for whatever you want.

Apple bought a company focused on super-accurate GPS

YouTube Live Streams Now Support HTML5 Playback and 60fps Video

Secure Shell by Google

Chrome Connectivity Diagnostics by Google

Data Saver by Google

Chromebook Recovery Utility by Google

Strike Back Season 5

FREE HotS beta invite

Get tea bagged in Insurgency (game)

Date: 2015-05-21

Time: 00:58:55

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Frontier 111: Salt

Bryan Black

The New Screen Savers is a variety show for tech on the TWiT network. The show stars Leo Laporte and is co-hosted by Megan Morrone, Mike Elgan, Jason Howell, Father Robert Ballecer and Bryan Burnett. Viewers get live tech help, interesting guests, insights into the latest innovations, products and trends, plus lots of fun things thrown in, too.

Dan Carlin - Hardcore History

  • WWI
  • Chemical warfare


Local stories


A group currency (n) is a cryptocurrency that:

provides its identified members with a basic income voting rights over a group fund (optional) and provides adequate means for transparency and accountability.

The morbid stuff

Half-Life 2: Update (Mod)

  • Released 2015-03-27

HL 3 reference

Valve vs Blizzard

Unreal Tournament 4 beta

Date: 2015-05-14

Time: 00:59:04

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