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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 130: Tonguing

Bryan Black

Rev. Al Sharpton's command of the English language is an ongoing struggle.

‪What If We Lost‬? Exec. Producers Ridley Scott & Frank Spotnitz bring their epic vision of The Man in the ‪High Castle‬ to Amazon Prime. All episodes stream 11/20. Watch the pilot now http://amzn.to/1sAozVM

The drinking game UPDATED:

  • Source game that still hasn't been released. DRINK
  • Nate spoils a plot point. DRINK

Star Wars Battle Front

Over Watch

Steam Controller problems

Support the Shows!

Date: 2015-11-19

Time: 01:02:53

Download - torrent - magnet

Frontier 128: Divining Rod

Bryan Black


Jury nullification

Tugger Hosting * FAG Ban List

No Agenda Github

Steam Controller * Key mappings are missing * Not enough throttle on the triggers

Steam Link * No audio input

Unreal Tournament

Star Wars

Red Digital Cinema Camera

Star Trek vs Star Wars


Support the Shows!

Date: 2015-10-26

Time: 00:55:04

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Frontier 127: Final Form

Bryan Black



Thinkpad X61s Core Duo LV over heating

MacBook Pro 3D touch trackpad

Apple Watch pairing

  • Watch bands

American Psycho


Amazon Snowball

Starwars battle front