Frontier 197: Can't Control It
Bryan Black
Big Bear Camping story
iMac Pro
iOS & macOS
No 32-bit apps in iOS 11
Lose $8K worth of Bitcoin in 15min with Verison and Coinbase
Date: 2017-06-08
Time: 01:13:05
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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.
Filtering by Tag: camping
Big Bear Camping story
iMac Pro
iOS & macOS
No 32-bit apps in iOS 11
Lose $8K worth of Bitcoin in 15min with Verison and Coinbase
Date: 2017-06-08
Time: 01:13:05
Game Giveaway!
Join Steam “Frontier podcast” Group
Join Steam “Frontier podcast” Group & Leave a positive iTunes Review
OpenGL & OpenCL
SF86 data breach compromised all past and present intel workers - 2 Factor Authentication would have prevented this
Prime Market and Prime Fresh
Silicon Valley
Evan Williams
Sanctum 2
DotA 2 on Source 2
Date: 2015-06-18
Time: 01:28:11
Hiking Stories
Stream fishing
Fly fishing
Ocean fishing
Squid beaks - Humboldt squid
Beer & Bushmills whiskey
More beer talk and arguing
Focus (Film)
Natural Selection 2
SteamOS & Steam Controller
Starcraft on N64 “it looked like ass” -Nathan Penetration
Starship Troopers with Troy
Find any lost item using TrackR bravo
IN CINEMAS NOW A gripping action-thriller from the director of Taken and the producer of The Matrix and Non-Stop, The Gunman stars Oscar-winner Sean Penn as a former military operative dragged into a deadly cat and mouse game. With Penn in his first action role, and a top-notch cast including Javier Bardem and Idris Elba, The Gunman is a high-octane must-see.
Sweet vid of some guy pumping 298 rounds through his G18 as fast as he can.
USB-C is like original Mac Mini Power cable