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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 090: It’s Not a Tummor!

Bryan Black

Message: I use an iPad Mini and when I go to your website, it crashes my web browsers, both Safari and Chrome.

ReelSense Contact page was broken for a year

Bryan Black and Nathan Penetration broadcasting on Twitch.tv via TroyCnnn

Steam Broadcaster

Half-Life 3 vapor ware

  • Half-Life 2 Ep. 2

ICANN WHOIS database privacy

  • DreamHost


Overcast web podcast player

Standing desks…

Date: 2014-12-04

Time: 00:47:36

Download - torrent - magnet

Frontier 089: Ruined Me

Bryan Black

“Have you heard what scientist have been saying?” RESPONSE: “What?” “That there’s only going to be 7 planets after I destroy Uranus.”

From the creators of bad motherfucker, hard-core the first ever action POV feature film

Nathan Penetration loves TouchID on new iPhone 6

Casino Royale torture scene

GT Advanced sapphire and COO Daniel Squiller

Netflix Originals


  • Lili Simmons is like Anna Chapman



Verizon Microcell

Celeron in FreeNAS server

Date: 2014-11-20

Time: 00:53:20

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Frontier 088: Caller 99

Bryan Black

Experiments in the Revival of Organisms is a 1940 motion picture which documents Soviet research into the resuscitation of clinically dead organisms. It is available from the Prelinger Archives, where it is in the public domain. The British scientist J. B. S.

768GB SSD dyeing

New WoW expansion

Overwatch is a ripoff of TF2

  • Team Fortress 2 lore

iPhone 6

3rd gen iPad with Retina runs iOS 8 fine when you reduce transparency

iTunes Match

  • ALAC and FLAC

  • BitTorrent Sync

Justice from above

Old Thunderbolt Display’s still get Firmware Updates

Dyeing SSD

Date: 2014-11-13

Time: 00:31:29

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Frontier 087: He Got Owned

Bryan Black