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Frontier is a casual conversation about coffee, camping, tech & self-employment. But mostly gaming.

Frontier 261: Like a Geyser

Bryan Black

Get your hands off my penis


  • Useful for offloading large files and keeping track of where you stored them.
  • Remote Storage
    • G-Suite Business with Unlimited Storage
    • Dropbox Business Advanced 3x $20/month seats
  • You see your unlimited storage in the form of symlinks. So you can have a thinclient of sorts on your laptop.
    • Pull down just the fills you need from one of your remote storage locations
git annex is a file synchronizer that uses Git to manage its metadata and to help provide synchronization infrastructure. Christopher gives an introduction and description of some common use cases. Talk page -- https://gtalug.org/meeting/2018-04/

Frontier 260: Like a Carabiner

Bryan Black

Apple Keynote

Firefox has a password manager

$10,000 server or S3 and Glacier for $83/month


  • Google Drive Unlimited storage

  • S3 and Glacier

  • Webapp

Helm update

  • Nextcloud

  • WebDAV

  • WebUI and app

Support the Shows!

Date: 2019-03-28

Time: 00:49:42

Download - torrent

Frontier 259: It's Been a Lie for Four Years?

Bryan Black



  • A buying platform, on Telegram.
  • Like hookers on Twitter misusing bringyourwallet

Google Stadia

GeForce NOW

Keyboard talk



iMac Update

  • iMac Pro

iPad Air

MacBook Air

10,000 server or S3 and Glacier for $83/month

Helm mail server progress

Support the Shows!

Date: 2019-03-23

Time: 00:41:47

Download - torrent